Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Well it's Tuesday and what a day it has been. Being back at work really makes me miss Ty a lot during the day. He gets to stay home with Dustin during the day, at least until Dustin gets hired on at the Corrections Facility in Bertie. Dustin gets to be with Ty and watch him do cute things all day long, while I'm at work and only get to see him awake for a couple hours when I get home at night. When I leave in the morning he usually is still sleeping. It's hard being a 40hr a week working mom and coming home to a baby that coo's and smiles at his daddy more than his mommy. It makes me really sad to know that Dustin gets more attention from Ty than I do. I love being able to work and be the one who brings home the money but yet I would really love to be able to stay home with Ty at this stage where he is growing so fast and smiling a lot more and the way he looks up at me and coo's and smiles at me makes me want to stay home that much more with him until he goes to school. I'm so afraid i'm going to miss him rolling over for the first time or crawling and then saying his first words and walking... Its a bond between baby and mommy that no mom wants to miss and I don't want to miss it.... Am I just crazy? afraid of things I can't control? I'm not sure. Well I better get to work, my lunch break is over... So until next time, cherish the moments of the day; for once they are gone, you will never have those moments again.

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