Monday, August 11, 2008

First Blog

Today marks a new milestone in my life as a "New Mommy". I start a blog of my family, thoughts, and dreams.

My life consist of a wonderful husband, Dustin, a beautiful baby boy, Ty and a crazy cat named Chip. Let's catch you up to now, here goes nothing:
On Feb. 10, 2007 Dustin and I got married.
On Feb. 11, 2007 I moved to Utah and Dustin went back to Camp Pendleton, CA (where he finished up in May 2007 and moved back home to Utah to live with me and start our lives together as husband and wife)
On September 23, 2007 we found out we were pregnant with our baby boy.
Sadly, September 28, 2007 Dustin's best friend, Ty Moosman, was killed in a auto-accident the night we asked him to be the baby's godfather. (he agreed) That night we knew if we had a boy, his name was going to be Ty after one of the greatest people we ever met.
December 17, 2007, Dustin was accepted to Utah Highway Patrol Academy, after 24 weeks of Academy, June 1, 2008, I gave birth to our baby boy, Ty Clinton Reiners. (More about the labor later)
June 16, 2008 we decided to move back to North Carolina to be with my family.
June 30, 2008 - we left Utah (very sad time in all our lives)
Arrived in NC on July 3rd at 7pm - Glad to be back!!!
Later on, I will update more.... right now its back to work for me.

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