Thursday, August 14, 2008

just another day in paradise....

Well like the song goes, "its just another day in paradise". Well maybe not paradise but its my life that I can't change so i better make it as "paradisy" as possible. Today I recertified for my CPR... I can know legally save lives. Yay! I am thinking about maybe doing EMS cert. so I can help a little more but I'm not ready yet to be always on call and work 40hrs a week. Not Yet... Ty is getting to become so growny. He can lift his chest off the ground while doing his tummy time. He loves music and lights and looking at himself in the mirror. It fascinates him when he realizes its him in the mirror and just coo's and babbles at himself. I can't believe in 2 weeks he'll be three months. Yesterday we went and bought the teeth/gum cleaner (like a toothbrush for babies) and he enjoyed it sooo much. He loved it... He sleeping habits are still a little rough for me at nights, with me getting up with him whenever he cries. We decided, Daddy is with him during the work hours and i'm on night shift and early morning shift. I don't mind at all. I'm really thankful for Dustin being home with him at this time of his life. At least he not with strangers and at least one of us gets too see him smile 24/7. Well thats enough for now. I will post some pictures tonight... gotta love baby pictures.

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