Friday, November 28, 2008

what an update

Well, its been a month and half since I last wrote.... so sorry but for the family members that read, ya'll did get monthly newsletters instead. So update: here we go....

Little Man will be 6 months on Monday, oh how time flies.... he is growing up in front of my eyes way to fast! I just can't believe it. He has sprouted two baby teeth and he loves to rub his tongue over top of them. new texture i guess. Well Dustin last week got his official call from USMC MOBCOM stating he is officially re-activated as of May 18,2009 for a year tour of duty to Iraq/Afganistan. What are we going to do. As I sit here at 4am on Nov. 28th, I want to cry my heart out thinking this time next year, I will be acting as single mom more than I am already with Dustin working nights. I feel like my life is just going to crumble without him. Without Dustin, life is so hard. I would be able to deal with the situation if we didn't have Ty. I don't know how I am going to handle to situation..... but a lot of people go through it and get home safe.. why do I have a feeling not in my circumstances? Anyway -besides the sad points in my life...

I can't believe Ty is rolling over and laughing.. he has the most precious giggles and laughs and coos... he is starting to make vowel noises and its so awesome.. I can leave work after a terrible day and hear his laugh and know that no matter how my day is, that makes it worth it... knowing someone that tiny makes so much impact on my life is amazing.. Well I better go. Its Friday after Thanksgiving - gotta get that shopping done and then head to work.. urgh! well its not so bad - 1/2 day. So i'll leave ya with some pictures:

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